“Tapas Beach
Wedding in Jeffrey’s Bay South Africa ”
& Danielia took the Diamond package with the two exclusive Photobooks for
their wedding photos. The ceremony was
on the beautiful white beach close to Tapas with the reception at Marina Martinique.
This couple was so much fun to work with. Review from couple: "David & Christiné is absouut fantastiese warm hart mense. Ek sal alles enige tyd weer oordoen as ek hulle weer kan kry. Hulle is 'n absolute aanwins en ons was nog nooit tevore so gelukkig met iets nie. Die fotos wat hul geneem het was absoluut wonderlik. Ons het van die begin tot die einde so welkom in hulle teenwoordigheid gevoel en ek sal DHPhotography vir enige iemand voorstel, oor en oor!! Baie baie dankie vir die fantastiese fotos wat julle vir ons gegee het en die aangename geselskap"
The romantic sunset couple photos were captured on the Jeffrey’s Bay beach by # Photographers: #DHPhotography #Jeffrey’s bay
The romantic sunset couple photos were captured on the Jeffrey’s Bay beach by # Photographers: #DHPhotography #Jeffrey’s bay
View some of the photos
of the day:
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
Photographers Jeffrey’s Bay DHPhotography
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